Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The united States Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The united States Constitution - Essay Example Following this amendment, bribery, false registration, false returns of votes and interference of voting processes were made illegal. The amendment also provided for the appointment of judges who would be present at the poling registration places. Their role would be to challenge a person who unlawfully registers or votes. The legislation to protect the right to vote in all elections whether state, federal or local has since been enacted (â€Å"CRS Annotated Constitution,† cornell.edu). In 1907, the congress passed a law referred to as the Tillman Act. This enactment prohibited the national banks from making any contributions towards federal elections. Another act that was put in place was the 1910 corrupt practice act; it was later replaced in 1925. These laws regulated contributions towards elections and other expenditures towards federal elections. Section 2, clause 1 of the legislation act vests the responsibility of the congress towards the establishment of voter qualification for the purpose of congress elections. Despite this, the Supreme Court held that the right for the members of the congress to vote is adopted from federal constitution. The court further expounded that the congress has the right to protect the suffrage against official and private abridgment (â€Å"CRS Annotated Constitution,† cornell.edu). The congress is mandated to provide protection to the right of an individual, in a case where a primary election is fundamental to the procedure of choice. The freedom from violence and intimidation is secured, but the bribery made to the voters, even though within the limit of the congressional power is taken not to be an interference of the rights provided by this section of the constitution. Under this clause, the congress may claim the statutes; it has the ability to punish election officials for violation of election

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Stanley kubrick Work of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Stanley kubrick Work of Art - Essay Example invented relatively unique technique that an artist or a film producer uses in their work to make it distinctive to the audience and to the artistic field. On the other hand, cinematography is an artistic creation of motion pictures photography using imagery and other stylistic techniques. Sequentially, the focus of this essay is to give an in depth analysis on four of Kubrick’s marvelous films in terms of the Mise-en Scenes and the cinematography aspect in each film. For Stanley, he implored the use of visual effects to try to portray the imaginative and scientific features. In addition, the film portrayed the director’s ardent love for science and science related themes. It was collaboration between science fiction writer Clarke Arthur and him. The movie also showed Kubrick’s fascination in the existence of life beyond planet earth implying that other planets could support human existence. In a remarkable blend, Kubrick infused classical music in to this film that mostly became the opening songs in this film. He also invoked contemporary music by natives of other countries to serve as introductory tracks in his movie. The classic music depicted the reality of the scenes that were actually fictitious. The musical background also provided a basis for the viewer to connect with the storyline. It characterized the serenity of events hence portraying harmony and piece within the movie For instance; he facilitated Gyorgy Ligeti in to co ming in to the lime light by building on his fame and popularity. The Mise-en-Scene aspect in this movie was the use of acutely little dialogue that made it stand out. For instance, the characters engage in few conversations all through the movie to emphasize on the need for its audience to follow through the movies events. The movie’s fast and last scenes are without any conversation that also reflects during the film. In between the film, there are long breaks in between conversations. On the other hand, the color aspect is