Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ethics in the Workplace Essay Sample

Ethics in the Workplace Essay Sample Ethics in the Workplace Essay In order for a workplace to continue existing in harmony and have and a good dose of productivity, rules must exist. Ideally, these rules in itself must maintain the peace and are supposed to give the most optimal results possible. However, because the human factor is added to the equation, then additional systems must be put into place. Some of these systems are either encoded (or written) while others are simply understood without the need to be posted at all. All in all, these things which humans are supposed to observe and maintain in the workplace are called workplace ethics. An example of a written workplace ethic is dress code. In workplaces, corporate attires are usually considered â€Å"ethical† while your regular pajamas are not. However, as could be deduced from the statement above, some issues of â€Å"unethical behaviors† vary from workplace to workplace, since while others consider wearing corporate attires to be the ethical way of dressing when on company grounds, other companies would prefer their employees working in pajamas, or at least, in their t-shirts. Because some of the rules that guide human behaviors in the workplace vary from one to the other, most of these varying rules are coded in order for the employees to be constantly reminded of. However, there are also other workplace ethics which does not vary in between companies or workplaces. These ethical rules include respect, integrity, and honesty among others. Unlike the previous examples stated above, these ideas are what everyone inside of the workplace must imbibe an d not constantly reminded of. These ideas are essential not only for everyone, not only because they are required and expected to do so, but because it creates a better environment for everyone to produce the most optimal results without fearing that something unexpected is happening, or is coming up. To narrow down to these examples let me give one of each and describe them in a more specific manner. Honesty is one of the foremost examples of a workplace ethics. Without honesty, the workplace would simply not exist since information, data, and results should always be reported to the right channels in order to mitigate any risks or resolve any problems that might arise. Another example of an unwritten work ethic is integrity. Integrity refers to the having strong moral principles. What makes this important in understanding work ethics is that morality and ethics are very tightly knitted. Both of them came from mores (or rights) and therefore having one of these traits also means having the other one. Lastly, we have openness. This is also an important work ethics because openness also leads to better interaction and dynamics between every individual. Openness means being open to criticisms (constructive) and other ideas without prejudice which could affect ones objectivity. Following from these statements, a strong argument could be made about what constitutes a strong workplace. In order for the workplace to continually grow and succeed in reaching its goals, one could say that establishing operating rules and laws is not enough. Rules are usually for the technical and operational aspects of the company (e.g. delivery system) but are not enough to address human variable that exists in between the expected process. In line with this, it could easily be argued that an ideal workplace is one where the operating rules established are just coinciding perfectly with one’s workplaces ethics (both written and unwritten). A community where people know what to do both in their jobs as well as how to help others progresses and gains the most optimal results possible.

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