Friday, March 6, 2020

Weed Is it Good Or Bad essays

Weed Is it Good Or Bad essays Legalizing drugs in America is one of the talked about topics in todays day and age. With the increase in drug addiction in the United States some say it would be better to just legalize the majority of drugs and tell people of the good and bad side effects so that it will be the consumers fault for taking the drug, not the producer who is rightfully to blame. Others believe that legalizing drugs is the opposite way in which the United States intends to go and that marijuana is a treacherous drug that has permanent side effects and is psychologically addictive. Leading consumers to believe that some drugs are more addictive then other drugs is falsifying facts because all drugs are addictive and all drugs are dangerous that is the same thing as saying not all candy causes cavities when all candy does cause cavities and excessive amounts are harmful. Gore Vidal the author of Drugs says that Yet it seems most unlikely that any reasonable sane person will become a drug addict if he knows in advance what addiction is going to be like. Marijuana better know as weed or pot proves this statement wrong because weed seems to be a harmless drug but in reality it is one of the most dominate and dangerous drugs in todays society. Marijuana is called a gateway drug because it leads to uses of more deadly drugs such as heroin, speed, cocaine and crack just to name a few. It has been stated that The risk of using cocaine has been estimated to be more than 104 times greater for those who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it(NIH 5 ). Once people get all the good side effects from marijuana they will want to get a better longer lasting effect from other drugs which can be very detrimental. Marijuana can be even more treacherous when mixed with other drugs such as coke, PCP, and embalming fluid which is the latest craze but mixing these drugs with marijuana cause s ...

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