Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Outline the course of US intervention in mexico from 1910 to 1940 Free Essays

Before 1910, Mexico was under Diaz’s dictatorship. Diaz supported USA Business in Mexico, for example in oil and railways, for many years, and they also bought products from them, however, Diaz started supporting British business in Mexico, and as a consequence of this USA allows Madero to foment revolution and to declare the Plan of San Luis Potosi in USA territory. Then, Madero started receiving answers with uprisings in Mexico. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline the course of US intervention in mexico from 1910 to 1940 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In that way we can say that USA contribution with Madero gave start to the revolution. Then, in 1911, Madero became president. He took away USA trade privileges, and these cause a very bad relation between both countries. USA was discontent with this too, so the allowed Huerta to kill Madero, and the possibly gave him support to do it. Huerta takes over in 1913. Huerta made deals with the British over trade. The USA were not satisfied with Huerta’s regime, and so president Wilson turned the British against the Huerta regime. They also stopped a shipment of arms from getting to Huerta sent by Germany. Later, they found a Mexican cruiser, the dolphin, landed in a restricted area in USA, so they ask for the arrest of the sailors, an apology, and a 21 gun salute to the American flag. Huerta refuses. USA sends troops to Mexico and forces him to flee. They then take over Veracruz. All this creates an anti-USA feeling because by them taking Huerta out of power, no definite leader was left, and consequently there was a need to struggle. Later, in 1914, USA left Veracruz. Carranza takes over. The USA offers to recognize his regime if they gave him complete control and more power, however Carranza refused. Then USA makes an attempt to capture Villa, however it does not work, and almost ended in war. Later, Obregon appeared. He was against Carranza, and as USA was not very happy with him, consequently they helped Obregon with the counter revolution against him. USA also gets involved with the constitution of 1917, where Carranza was intending to support independency from USA. USA supports Obregon, and he takes over in 1924., and during his government there were little interventions, which include political involvements of USA in Mexico, such as the interference with the constitution in 1917 where they allowed the church to be expropriated from its power, and also encouraged to give more rights to the workers, and to allow foreign investment, but without the companies to ask for the aid of their government. Finally, in 1924 Calles takes over. In 1938, Calles announced that there would be no more trade with Britain or USA. This affected USA’s economy and so they were very angry and unhappy with these new law. To conclude I would like to say that the USA intervention between 1910 and 1940 was very important, and that it was basically the USA who really made possible the start of the revolution, by giving support to Madero to foment it. Also USA interfered politically and economically, but interventions varied within the different Mexican presidents, depending on their policy. As we have seen, it was Diaz who gave the more support to USA investment in Mexico, and all the other presidents were mostly against USA involvements, and so USA interference with Mexico decreased with time. How to cite Outline the course of US intervention in mexico from 1910 to 1940, Papers

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