Saturday, October 19, 2019

Is the School Justified in Firing a Teacher Posing for an Adult Websit Research Paper - 1

Is the School Justified in Firing a Teacher Posing for an Adult Website - Research Paper Example II. Any teacher is a role model for his students and as such the high school teachers’ act of posing on an adult, the website gives a bad effect on the ideology of the students. Thus, the teacher should be penalized to prevent further damage to the students’ ideology. III. As a teacher of a school, she should have conformed to some public, moral, business, and ethical standards as her actions affect her students and indirectly a larger community, which she did not, making her eligible to be dismissed. IV. Before getting hired by the school, the teacher signed an agreement which read, â€Å"I agree to promote this schools mission of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live.† The act of posing for the adult website creates a bad impact on the students. It can happen that the students start posing for adult websites following the teacher. The teacher violates her contractual obligation â€Å"of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live† (Contract clause) and therefore she should be fired. V. It can be presumed that the teacher has caused harm to the students by posing for an adult website once students have come to know about it and this makes the teacher liable to â€Å"be sued personally for causing student injury† and she may â€Å"also lose her job† (Kaplan and Owings 252). VI. The high school teacher was also negligent in doing her duty towards preventing harm to the students. She never thought for an instant that when her act of posing for an adult website is disclosed she may cause a bad impact on the ideology of the students and indirectly the future of the students. Moreover, â€Å"neglect of duty and negligence† is a ground for dismissal of a teacher in 26 states of US (Neal 86). this case, which includes dismissal of the teacher for immorality, causing harm, violation of contract, injury to the students and negligence.  

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