Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The topic must follow the requements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The topic must follow the requements - Essay Example Millions of people are carrying out abortion globally, this number has become stable in latest years, having formerly taken decades decreasing as access to proper family planning education, and other health care services improved. Abortion has a deep history and medicine men used various ways, for instance, they used sharpened tools and other conventional techniques. The occurrence, religious and literary status, and validity of abortion differ greatly around the universe. Its viability depends on certain unavoidable conditions, such as fetal defects and rapes. In America, there is major and critical social controversy over the right and the society’s legal issues of abortion. The people who oppose abortion connect it with the act of malicious homicide, while supporters of the rights of abortion lay emphasis on a woman’s right to choose about her own body. The history of induced abortion traces back to early civilizations such as ancient Egypt, China under Shennong (270 0 BC) and the Roman Empire. There is proof to imply that traditional medical practitioners terminated human pregnancies by applying various ancient techniques. Some elite scholars in medicine have shown that the Hippocratic vow forbade medicine men from carrying out abortions. ... Early Islamic religion had allowed abortion until a certain period that Muslims condemned it, and In Europe and America; physicians started using advanced techniques of abortion in the 17th century. In the 19th century, America and England outlawed abortion and various groups of Christians and physicians were largely significant in anti-abortion movements. However, in the commencement of the second half of the twentieth century, most countries made the act of abortion legal. Hall (27) stated that; â€Å"Prior to the decriminalization of abortion 75 % of the population favoured the liberalization of the existing law, 17% opposed and 8% were undecided†. Hence according to the above statistics, it is clear that the majority of people in America supported abortion unanimously and they thought carrying out abortion was right. The issue of abortion is still a social controversy in America in the 21st century although people have taken sides on that issue. For the last five decades t he two groups of determined activists in America have been expressing the own views on the issue of abortion. Those two groups recognize themselves as pro-life and pro-choice and looking at their different views, the pro-choice are proposing abortion while the pro-life group is strictly against the idea of abortion. Luker (61) stated that, â€Å" According to pro-choice groups such as Planned Parenthood, NARAL and Emily’s List, the choice to have an abortion should be made by the woman and her right to make that choice should not be infringed on by the government†. It implies that, pro-choice group propose the act of abortion and they feel that pregnant woman should be ones to choose whether to abort or

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